
Author Information And Submission Instructions

All authors MUST CREATE/REGISTER A CMT ACCOUNT to be able to make a submission.

NOTE: To prepare your paper for submission to ICGET2024, please read the information below FIRST.

Conference Presentations

All submissions should be made through CMT link. All authors must have a CMT account to access the submission platform. Authors without a CMT account can register one here.
Authors who already have CMT account can login, search for the conference name, open and select “make a new submission”.
All submissions must be in English and must adhere to the following conditions:

  • Initial submissions for the conference are abstracts describing the full study that authors intend to present.
  • Abstracts should be 250–350 words long without references
  • It should be pasted directly in the abstract text field on CMT.
  • Do not upload document for abstract submission.
    • All long abstracts of papers submitted to be presented at the conference will be published in the eProceeding.
    • Long abstracts will be requested from authors after peer-review and revision of the full paper.
    • Long abstracts will be a maximum of 1,500 words (excluding references) and uploaded in the relevant field on CMT.
    • Publication in eProceeding is free for all registered papers and invited papers.
Post-Conference Publications
  • Authors will be able to choose 1 option (book chapters or journal article for post-conference publications).
  • Publications in books are free.
  • Publication in journals will attract additional Article Processing Charges (APC) as charged by each journal. APCs will be paid directly to the journal.
  • Conference registration fees DO NOT include APCs.
  • Authors should check and confirm the APCs of the listed journals by clicking on the link under them for relevant author information.
  • 2 copies of the full paper must be submitted by the authors; 1 copy without any author information (blind copy) should be submitted together with 1 copy with all author information.
  • Formatting instruction: Use regular, bold/regular italics, bullets, and numbering to highlight important details.
  • Manuscript submission templates of the publisher chosen by the authors will be used for styling the full paper after peer-review.
  • The conference requirement for maximum plagiarized content is <20%. Some journals have stricter requirements; authors must adhere to the requirements of their chosen journal.
How To Format Full Papers For Submission

Authors should note that formatting of full papers will be done AFTER PEER REVIEW using authors’ preferred journal’s template which can be downloaded from the journal’s website. This is to avoid double formatting and save authors’ time. To submit full papers through CMT platform, authors should use the following basic formatting:

Title: BLOCK CAPITALS (BOLD) – Arial, 14pt
Authors: Arial, 11pt, Regular
Affiliation: Arial, 10pt, Regular
Email: Arial, 10pt, Italics
Section and Sub-sections – Arial, 12pt, Regular
Sub-sections – Arial, 12pt, Italics
Body Text: – Times New Roman, 12pt, Regular


1. Authors are fully responsible for ensuring the production of high-quality manuscripts.
2. Authors MUST adhere strictly to the recommendations of reviewers; they MUST submit all required documents including revised manuscripts and table of revisions.
3. Each journal has a different set of requirements, including the type of studies they publish. Authors must carefully read and adhere to the requirements of each journal.
4. The conference committee will act as a bridge between the authors and partner journals to ensure a smooth publication process; BUT, ICGET2024 committee is NOT responsible for writing, proofreading or correcting the manuscripts.
5. Authors are advised to use available proofreading services to enhance their writing before submission to the journals.

You can also register an account by clicking at the following link or copying the link to your browser:


Type of Submission Date
Full Paper Submission Deadline 29 August 2024
Normal Registration Deadline 15 August 2024

Manuscript Submission Extended to 29 August, 2024

Journal APCs are to be paid by authors after acceptance of final manuscripts.

Please check individual journal websites for more details on APCs OR Contact ICGET2024 Secretariat.

Publication in Indexed Books is FREE


International Presenters


International Participant


Local   Presenters


Local Participants


Local   Students

Each Registration Includes:

  • eProceedings
  • Conference Goodies (Certificate, Souvenir and Name Tag).
  • All Conference Sessions.
  • Tea / Coffee Breaks and Lunch